The A-Z Guide for Technology-free Activities

Looking to pick up some new hobbies to get off your phone?  Our phone-free activity guide features hobbies you can start implementing into your life today.  There are also some non-everyday activities that encourage you to step outside your comfort zone as well.
  • Acroyoga
  • Apple picking
  • Archery
  • Art
  • Baking
  • Backpacking
  • Barbequing
  • Biking
  • Board games
  • Bonfire hosting
  • Bowling
  • Boxing
  • Bringing ideas to life
  • Building
  • Camping
  • Canoeing
  • Card games
  • Chess
  • Competitive sports
  • Cooking
  • Crafts
  • Crocheting
  • Dancing
  • Decorating
  • Discovering new places
  • Doodling
  • Dog walking
  • Drawing
  • Driving
  • Easel painting
  • Embroidery
  • Entertaining
  • Fishing
  • Foreign language learning
  • Frisbee throwing
  • Gardening
  • Genealogy
  • Grilling
  • Herb keeping
  • Hiking
  • Hula hooping
  • Hunting
  • Ice skating
  • Instrument playing
  • Inventing
  • Jogging
  • Journaling
  • Juggling
  • Jump roping
  • Karate
  • Kayaking
  • Kite flying
  • Kitesurfing
  • Knitting
  • Learning
  • Listening to records
  • Longboarding
  • Meditating
  • Metal detecting
  • Motorcycling
  • Mountain biking
  • Mountaineering
  • Museum visiting
  • Needlepointing
  • Nordic skating
  • Off-road driving
  • Orienteering
  • Origami
  • Paddleboarding
  • Paintballing
  • Painting
  • Paragliding
  • Photography
  • Pickleball
  • Pottery
  • Quilting
  • Rafting
  • Reading
  • Rock climbing
  • Rollerskating
  • Running
  • Sailing
  • Scrapbooking
  • Sewing
  • Skateboarding
  • Skiing
  • Skydiving
  • Snowboarding
  • Surfing
  • Swimming
  • Tai chi
  • Thrifting
  • Traveling
  • Treasure hunting
  • Unicycling
  • Upcycling
  • Vacationing
  • Volunteering
  • Wakeboarding
  • Walking
  • Water skiing
  • Weightlifting
  • Windsurfing
  • Woodworking
  • Writing music
  • Xpogo
  • Yoga
  • Yoyoing
  • Ziplining
  • Zorbing
  • Zumba

Have an activity to add to this list?

Let us know, and we will add it!

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