A Library of Technology-related Studies

Research has shown how technology impacts us from numerous standpoints.  Thus, we have compiled several studies into a central library so you can conduct your own analysis about digital minimalism.


Anne-Laure Sellier, Darren W. Dahl

This study discovered that ‘restricting the choice of creative inputs actually enhances creativity.’

Kevin J. Eschleman, Jamie Madsen, Gene Alarcon, Alex Barelka

This study found that those who engage in a creative hobby performed 15-30% better at work.

Device Usage

The University of Texas at Austin

Research suggests that phones in close proximity impede cognitive functioning… even when they are turned off.


The average internet user now spends almost 7 hours per day using the internet across all devices. This equates to more than 48 hours per week online, which is two days out of a seven-day week.

Josephine B. Schmitt, Christina A Debbelt, Frank M. Schneider

This research shows how sorting through the immense amount of information online can lead to digital overload.


Gloria Mark, Daniela Gudith, Ulrich Klocke

This study found that constant interruptions in the workplace prompt us to work faster to compensate for the time we know we’d be losing otherwise. However, it leads to emotional distress.

Gloria Mark, Shamsi Iqbal, Mary Czerwinski, Paul Johns, Akane Sano

This study found that the average person is distracted or interrupted every 40 seconds when working in front of their computer.


Piers Steel, Frode Svartdal, Tomas Thundiyil, and Thomas Brothen

This study found that one byproduct of procrastination involves choosing shallow, immediate options over more satisfying ventures that require more effort.

Peter M. Gollwitzer, Paschal Sheeran

This study found that only 37% of participants who formed goal intentions were successful at accomplishing tasks because many others may fail to seize suitable opportunities to act.

Pam A. Mueller, Daniel M. Oppenheimer

This study suggests that when laptops are used solely to take notes, they may impair learning because their use results in shallower processing.

Work Stress

Giorgia Bondanini, Gabriele Giorgi, Antonio Ariza-Montes, Alejandro Vega-Muñoz, Paola Andreucci-Annunziata

This study suggests that employees may become overloaded by accessing and mentally processing information related to both work and personal life during work hours.

Carlton University

This survey found that over half of participants reported high levels of work overload and stress, much of it associated with spending so much time – a full one-third of their time at the office – reading and answering emails. 30% of the time, the emails are neither urgent nor important.

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