Have a large life aspiration you keep delaying?

Submit your objective for a chance to win a FREE full-blown productivity course!

Let’s face it– we all have a large objective we want to accomplish at some point but keep pushing off. Perhaps you keep waiting because you need help getting started. Or, maybe you’re bogged down by day-to-day responsibilities and need help creating space for life-enriching endeavors.

Now is your opportunity to put your aspirations in motion! Livin’ Analog® is giving away three FREE copies of The Life Diagram Program! This course offers a practical, step-by-step process for increasing your overall productivity. Submit your application today for a chance to win.

How Applications are Assessed

To determine the three winners, each application will be evaluated based on the following parameters:

  1. Originality: Submit your most out-of-the-box aspiration or idea.
  2. Detail: Provide as much information about your objective as possible.
  3. Accountability: Explain which measures you will take to stick to your objective.
  4. Authenticity: Illustrate your wholehearted belief in what you’re working to achieve.
  5. Dedication: Convey your long-term commitment toward this objective.

Submit Your Application Today