The Life Diagram Program Workshop

Increase your workplace productivity by understanding your personal infrastructure.
Duration: Two Four-Hour Programs
Group Size: 10-30
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Personal Diagramming That Boosts Workplace Productivity

Several factors influence an individual’s ability to achieve productive outcomes.  One of the largest components at play is, specifically, the framework we have established for our life.

The Life Diagram Program workshop provides a visual method for understanding the personal infrastructure that impacts individuals’ productivity.  By accomplishing personal objectives, we can, in turn, create more productive work environments where individuals and organizations benefit.

Workshop Objectives


Explore the baseline factors that impact your productivity


Determine how you will decompress during this process


Devise a plan for accomplishing your largest objectives


Outline sacrifices you will make to amplify your progress


Reflect on the progress you’ve made and still need to make

Workshop Agenda

Day 1

Focus 1: Establishing Key Productivity Concepts

We will first begin with exploring various definitions and analogies that play a role in increasing productivity.

Focus 2: The Foundational Layer

Next, you will pinpoint your values, knowns, and preferential way of allocating time and money.

Focus 3: The Renewal Layer

You will then determine which actions you can take to manage your mind states during the process.

Focus 4: Recap

To conclude day 1, we will summarize the progress you made today and review the growth targets for day 2.

Day 2

Focus 5: The Planning Layer

To begin day 2, we will define which personal or professional objectives you’d like to achieve and break them down into doable pieces.

Focus 6: The Discarding Layer

After recognizing the objectives you’ll work towards, you will designate what you can back on or cut out to accelerate your advancement.

Focus 7: The Self-reflection Layer

Then, you will review your overall progress to observe where you’re succeeding and which areas need improvement.

Focus 8: Recap

To complete this program, we will discuss how to continue expanding and maintaining your productivity with the 20-level plan you created.

What's Included


? Pre-program communication

? Discovery calls with key stakeholders

? Coordination of program logistics


? Tailored program with soft copy materials

? On-site facilitator for set up and delivery of training

? Closing discussion to end your program and review key takeaways


? Post-program follow-up and support

? Scheduled question and answer session

? Access to facilitator by phone and email

About the Coursebook

The Life Diagram Program intends to help you take a closer look at the overall framework of your life so you can achieve any productive outcome from the personal infrastructure you establish.  This 20-level visual writing process provides a practical method for:

  • Recognizing what you value and want to achieve
  • Pinpointing how you can maintain your well-being during the process
  • Outlining the steps you will take to make progress
  • Determining sacrifices you will make to accelerate your advancement
  • Reflecting on the headway you’ve made and continue to make

By the end of this guided coursework, you will have completed a full-blown action plan that can be used to start working toward your goals, despite how large or small these undertakings may be.  The visual foundation of this process sets The Life Diagram Program apart from other guided inquiries, making this strategy even more effective for putting your ambitions in motion.

Workshop Outcomes

Upon completion of this workshop, you will have the insights and action plan needed to accomplish your individual and workplace objectives.  Most importantly, though, you will depart with an understanding of how to hold yourself accountable for following through.

The Life Diagram Program workshop yields a true before and after with regard to personal and professional productivity.  Drag the cursor to the left to see the transformation in action.

Frequently Asked Questions

We will be covering a lot of information in The Life Diagram Program workshop, so it is recommended to schedule this workshop into two four-hour sessions as opposed to one eight-hour session.  However, if you’d like to book the workshop as one eight-hour session, we can certainly deliver upon this.

Because of the activities and engagement in this workshop, we highly recommend opting for Livin’ Analog® to facilitate The Life Diagram Program workshop in-person.  The virtual facilitation of this workshop would come with specific parameters to ensure it meets the specified deliverables, while still honoring the premise of digital minimalism.

This workshop is primarily coordinated around The Life Diagram Program coursebook, so it is required that all participants have their own copy of training materials.  Training materials can be secured at the time of booking this workshop.

To inquire about the fee for this workshop, please complete our book now form.

To inquire about bulk pricing for this workshop, please complete our book now form and provide this request in the additional details section.

Ready to invest in your group's productivity?

Book The Life Diagram Program workshop!

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