Webster-Kirkwood Times: Becoming a “Digital Minimalist”

Livin’ Analog® was recently featured in the Webster-Kirkwood Times with its newest approach to digital minimalism. This recognition comes in the wake of its first-ever Livin’ Analog® Day Retreat, a phone-free event that marks a significant milestone in promoting a lifestyle less tethered to digital devices. The retreat emphasized the importance of reconnecting with the…

Chesterfield City Lifestyle: Living Analog in a Digital World

In a recent feature by Chesterfield City Lifestyle magazine, Olivia Orman, Founder and CEO of Livin’ Analog®, is showcased for her approach to digital minimalism. The article highlights her project in St. Louis aimed at guiding corporations, entrepreneurs, and individuals towards a more analog-centric lifestyle. Orman challenges the overdependence on digital tools and advocates for…